Preparatory Division Student-Parent Handbook Appendix
Academic School Enrollment
Students in the Preparatory Division must also be enrolled in a full-time academic school. The name and contact information of each student’s academic school must be provided to the Preparatory Division administration. Home-schooled students must provide verifiable contact information for their educational provider.
Attendance Policy
All classes in the Preparatory Division adhere to a strict attendance policy. Students are expected to attend ALL of their scheduled classes on time each Saturday.
- Students or parents are responsible for notifying the office, private teachers, and chamber music coaches of all absences at least one week in advance.
- In the event of a sudden illness or emergency, the office, private teachers, and chamber music coaches must be notified of your absence by 9:00am on Saturday.
- Students are in jeopardy of failing courses and being dismissed from the Division if they incur excessive absences.
For more information and to fill out an absence form, please follow the link for each program:
Essential Elements and Technical Standards of the Preparatory Division Curriculum
All Preparatory Division Students
With or without reasonable accommodations, all students in the Preparatory Division must fulfill the following essential elements and technical requirements of the Preparatory Division curriculum:
- Attend, actively participate in, and demonstrate consistent progress in private lessons, classes, and rehearsals at The Juilliard School from 8:30am to 6:00pm on Saturdays, September through May (class schedule includes a lunch break). Because of scheduling complexities, Pre-College students may be asked to take private lessons in their major or chamber music coachings on weekdays instead of Saturdays.
- Speak, read, and write effectively in English.
- Possess, maintain, and advance a refined level of motor function and ability consistent with intermediate to advanced training and performance in their area of specialization.
- Adhere to the Juilliard Code of Conduct at all times while participating in Preparatory Division activities, engaging in age-appropriate, civilized behavior which respects the dignity of others and supports the welfare of the community as a whole.
- Effectively take direction from faculty and collaborate with their peers. This includes accepting in a mature manner relevant suggestions and criticism and utilizing this feedback in the development of their artistic process.
- Complete homework assignments (generally one to two hours of work per week).
- Participate in various ensemble performances.
- Perform a jury examination before members of the faculty at the conclusion of each academic year.
MAP Students
With or without reasonable accommodations, MAP students must also fulfill the following essential elements and technical requirements of the MAP curriculum:
- Meet the Learning Outcomes for their major each year they are enrolled in the program.
- Practice their major instrument at least one hour every day.
- Perform a solo on their major instrument in a studio recital each year.
- Actively explore citizen-artistry through the Artist as Citizen Project or its equivalent Preparatory Division curricular offerings.
Pre-College Students
With or without reasonable accommodations, Pre-College students must also fulfill the following essential elements and technical requirements of the Pre-College curriculum:
- Perform a solo recital during their senior year of high school.
Academic Integrity
Standards of Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is at the center of all educational processes at The Juilliard School. Academic misconduct and dishonesty undermine the integrity of teaching and learning in our community. Such cases are taken seriously and will be resolved in a fair and consistent manner. All members of the Juilliard community should serve as models of honest and truthful behavior, be aware of the standards of academic integrity, and work to eliminate situations that could result in academic misconduct.
Definitions of Academic Misconduct and Dishonesty
Academic misconduct and dishonesty encompass all classroom, studio, and performance work and includes but is not limited to: plagiarism, unauthorized use of materials or resources (“cheating”), prohibited collaboration or consultation, use of fabricated or falsified information, interference with or sabotage of academic activity, unauthorized taking or receipt of materials or resources to gain an academic advantage, unauthorized recordings, bribery, submission of paper or academic work purchased or obtained from an outside source, and conspiracy to commit academic dishonesty.
Classroom Protocol
As a pre-professional institution with a mission to develop leaders in the performing arts, Juilliard expects its students to observe the normal courtesies practiced by a society of mature and responsible persons. The standards of the profession are in effect at Juilliard.
Any classroom behavior which interferes with the instructor’s ability to teach or distracts from the concentration of other students will not be tolerated. Such behavior may include, but is not limited to:
- eating or drinking
- talking to a neighbor in a disruptive manner
- using electronic devices for non-academic purposes, including a cell phone
- inappropriate language
- physical violence of any kind
- arriving late, leaving early
Any student whose actions detract from the learning of any other person in the class may be asked to leave the classroom immediately. If the student continues to be disruptive and does not leave the room after being clearly told to do so, the teacher’s report to the Preparatory Division administration may place the student on status (Concern, Warning, or Probation).
Private Teacher Assignments
The musical relationship between a student and their studio (major) teacher is considered to be the most essential aspect of a student’s training. It is imperative that the student receive instruction exclusively from their Preparatory Division teacher to avoid possible confusion resulting from varied approaches. Furthermore, it is expected that the studio teacher be involved in all of the student’s musical decisions, including events outside of the Preparatory Division.
Students are permitted to study with their assigned Juilliard studio teachers only, and can play for outside teachers only after obtaining permission from their Juilliard studio teacher. This includes teachers with whom students studied prior to enrolling in MAP or Pre-College. Students who do not comply with this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal from the Preparatory Division.
Change of Teacher Policy
The Preparatory Division administration authorizes all major teacher changes. The student or parent must notify the administration in writing of their request for a change in studio, and receive a written authorization from the administration. A change of teacher may be requested only at the end of the academic year; requests made during the academic year will not be considered except under exceptional circumstances.
Electives and Secondary Instruction
The Pre-College offers a series of elective classes and instruction on a secondary instrument or composition, for an additional fee. A list of available elective courses will be provided to students in July. Students may then sign-up for electives and secondary instruction. There is no guarantee that all requests will be granted, and final enrollment depends upon scheduling and faculty availability.
If a request is approved, a revised billing statement will be posted on WebAdvisor in October which will include the fees for elective classes and secondary instruction. Payment of this fee will be due immediately upon receipt of email notification from the Student Accounts Office.
All MAP students, with the exception of composition majors and those placed into chamber groups, have the option to enroll in an elective each year. Placement in optional electives is not guaranteed and is subject to scheduling and space constraints. There is no additional fee to participate in an elective.
MAP offers secondary instruction to composition majors only.
Instrument Loans
The Juilliard School maintains a collection of instruments available for student use. Inquiries regarding instrument loans must be made through the Pre-College or MAP office.
For further information, please visit MyJuilliard.
Letter Grades
All Preparatory Division classes have a fall term and a spring term. Final grades for each semester are posted on-line no later than three weeks following the last Saturday of the term and appear on the student's transcript. All faculty members use traditional letter grades. The Preparatory Division does not compute grade point averages for students.
A grade of B- or lower in the student's major will place a student on performance probation. Please see MyJuilliard for further details.
Non-Letter Grades
IA - Insufficient Attendance
I - Incomplete
P - Pass – used only for courses graded on a pass/no pass basis
NP - No Pass – used only for courses grades on a pass/no pass basis
W - Withdrawn
Grade Appeal Process
Any question regarding the accuracy of a grade must be addressed, in writing, to the Preparatory Division administration. The student will be advised to consult with the instructor in order to understand the computation of the grade; the instructor will document this consultation in writing to the student and the Preparatory Division administration. Ultimate resolution, if warranted, rests with the Preparatory Division administration. The student will receive a written response to the appeal at each appropriate stage.
Student Status
All Preparatory Division students begin their enrollment in good standing. If a student should receive an unsatisfactory grade or exhibit improper conduct, poor attendance, or unsatisfactory progress in their studies, their status may be changed to Concern, Warning, or Probation. Notification of a change in status will be sent to the student via email; private teachers will also be notified. Students who have been placed under Concern, Warning, or Probation are expected to seek the help of parent(s)/guardian(s), teachers, and administrators to improve their standing.
Student status can impact a student's eligibility to continue in the program. For further information, current students and parents may visit MyJuilliard.
Jury Performance Examinations
All Preparatory Division students perform before a jury of faculty each year at the end of the spring semester. The jury examination serves as an evaluation of the student’s progress and helps determine the student’s eligibility to continue in the program. The student receives their jury grade (an average of the grades each individual faculty member gave them) and written comments from the faculty within two weeks of the jury examination. The jury exam grade is final and will appear on the student's transcript.*
*In addition, students will receive a final grade from their major teacher for their private lessons. This is different from the jury grade.
For further information, current students and parents may visit MyJuilliard.
Leaves of Absence
Students who desire an extended leave of absence from the Preparatory Division for professional, medical, financial, or other personal reasons must make a written request to the director of their program. Students must be in good academic standing to be eligible. A leave of absence may not exceed two consecutive semesters. Re-enrollment is only allowed in the fall semester pending approval of the student’s major teacher and satisfactory completion of a performance examination in the previous spring semester. Students are advised to stay in contact with their teachers during the leave to facilitate this process. If students do not return to the Division after an approved two-semester leave, they will be automatically withdrawn from the school and must re-audition the following May. During a student’s junior (11th grade) year of high school, a leave of absence for academic reasons will not be granted.
If a student chooses to withdraw from the Preparatory Division or is dismissed for any reason, the student’s family is responsible for the safe return of any Juilliard loaned instrument and for a prorated portion of the tuition to be determined by the administration based on the amount of time spent in the program. No refunds are offered following the sixth week of classes in an academic period.
Notification of a student’s wish to withdraw from the program must be submitted to the administration in writing. If a student has withdrawn and is interested in returning for another academic year, they must reapply and re-audition. Acceptance is not guaranteed.
Graduation and Program Completion
All high school seniors are eligible to receive a certificate of graduation from the Pre-College Division provided they fulfill the following requirements:
- Successful completion of all required course work
- Satisfactory performance of a solo recital during the senior year
- Recommendation by the faculty
A certificate of attendance will be awarded to students who do not fulfill one or more of the requirements listed above.
If a grade lower than B+ in student’s major or a grade lower than C- in any other subject received in the Spring semester of the senior year, student will not be awarded a Pre-College diploma and will not graduate from the program.
Once admitted to the program, a student may participate in MAP for up to four years or through their senior year of high school, whichever comes first.
4th year students and high school seniors are eligible to receive a certificate of graduation from MAP provided they have successfully completed all required coursework and remain in satisfactory academic standing.
Students who receive a grade of C- or below in any class for the Spring semester of their final year will not be awarded a MAP diploma and will not graduate from the program.
A certificate of attendance will be awarded to students who do not fulfill the requirements listed above.
4th year students (who are not high school seniors) have the option of applying to continue in MAP for a 5th year. This program extension is reserved for MAP students who have demonstrated consistent artistic excellence and superb citizenship throughout their four years in MAP; re-admission to a 5th year is not guaranteed.
Continued Studies beyond the Preparatory Division
Preparatory Division faculty regularly discuss options for future study with students and their families and assist students with preparation for auditions to other programs. Enrollment in the Preparatory Division does not guarantee a student admission to any other programs at or outside Juilliard.
Orchestra and Large Instrumental Ensembles
Orchestra and/or large instrumental ensembles are required courses for all wind, brass, string, percussion and harp majors. Excellent progress is required to maintain good standing in the Preparatory Division.
Please refer to your ensemble’s policy sheet or syllabus on Canvas for additional information.
Chamber Music
Groups are formed by the Preparatory Division administration over the summer based on age, playing level, faculty recommendation, and student requests.
Participation in chamber music is open to all instrumental majors except percussion, saxophone, double bass, harp, and organ; participation is required for some majors in Pre-College. Chamber group assignments will be available to students at the start of the school year. We make an effort to assign everyone to a group, but cannot guarantee placement for every student from year to year.
Chamber music concerts take place throughout the year in various venues on and off campus.
MAP Recitals
All MAP students are required to perform one solo recital each year they are enrolled in the program. Recital dates will be assigned by the MAP office. Students and teachers will be notified of their recital date no later than three weeks after the start of classes. Due to scheduling and space constraints, requests for a change in recital date will only be accommodated under exceptional circumstances.
Further information on recital procedures, accompanists, etc. can be found on MyJuilliard.
Pre-College Recitals
Pre-College students have opportunities to perform recitals throughout their years in the program. High school seniors are required to perform a senior recital in order to graduate from Pre-College.
Further information on recital procedures, accompanists, etc. can be found on MyJuilliard.
The Preparatory Division provides piano accompanists for lessons, rehearsals, performances, and masterclasses.
For more information, please visit the MAP and Pre-College spaces on MyJuilliard.
Performance Attire
For Orchestra and Wind Ensemble, students may select from either of the following options:
Solid black long sleeved formal blouse OR full-length dress, according to the following specifications:
- Neckline no more than two inches below the collarbone.
- A high cut back.
- No skin should be visible at the midriff whilst seated or standing.
- Full-length or 3/4-length sleeves which fall below the elbow. Translucent or lace sleeves are only permissible if the entire bodice is lined in solid black.
- Blouses can be paired with solid black full-length slacks/dress pants OR solid black floor-length skirt.Any slit must not rise above the knee.
- Knee or calf-length solid black hosiery/socks and black closed-toe dress shoes. No skin should be visible at the foot or ankle.
- A solid formal black jacket/blazer may be worn over the blouse.
Solid black two-piece suit with a white shirt, including black jacket and black non-tuxedo pants with no visible patterns or pinstripes, with the following items:
- Solid white long-sleeved, collared, button-down dress shirt. All buttons and seams should be white and without visible labels, logos, or patterns.
- Solid black long tie.
- Solid black belt with unobtrusive buckle.
- Solid black socks and black dress shoes.
For solo recitals, chamber music concerts, and composition performances:
- Semi-formal to formal concert attire. A suit, a semi-formal or formal dress, or a blouse with a skirt or dress pants are all acceptable.
- Attire may be any color.
- Chamber groups should coordinate their attire.
For Chorus performances, students are to wear all black formal or semi-formal attire. Please choose attire that you’re comfortable in following the guidelines below:
Tops can include suit/tuxedo jackets, blazers, blouses, button-down shirts, and/or vests
- Sleeves must be at least 3/4 length
- Button-down shirts must be accompanied by a black tie and/or vest
Bottoms can include skirts or pants
- Skirts must be knee-length or longer
Dresses must meet the sleeve and skirt length
- Dresses with shorter sleeves may be accompanied by cardigans, shawls, etc.
Socks, Stocking, and Shoes
- A modest heel is allowed, no higher than 2 inches
- Must be close-toed
- Black, opaque stocking for skirts and dresses
- Long black socks for pants (no ankle socks)
Accessories are welcome as long as they are not distracting
- Earrings should be studs, small hoops, or others that hang no more than one inch from the lobe
- Simple chain necklaces or strands of pearls are permitted
- Avoid large rhinestones or other costume jewelry
NOTE: Singers are welcome to wear formal attire of their cultural tradition or background as long as it meets the following criteria:
- All black
- 3/4 sleeve-length
- At least knee-length bottom
Prohibited Attire
- T-shirts, polo shirts, denim, leather, jersey and other casual knit fabrics or items.
- Sneakers and other casual shoes.
- No skin should be visible at the midriff, feet, or ankles.
- Hair ornaments, and extraneous material such as feathers or fringe on the sleeves and collar.
- Cologne and perfume.
- Conspicuous and/or obtrusive jewelry.
If you need assistance in providing concert attire for your child, please contact the MAP or Pre-College office.
Performance Day Procedures
Students must arrive at the performance venue at the specified call time. For off-site performances, all students must submit an event waiver signed by their legal parent/guardian by the posted deadline.
On performance days, students are expected to attend all of their classes before and after the performance.
Concert Etiquette
Preparatory Division students work very hard for the opportunity to perform for the public, and disruptions such as constant traffic in and out of the hall, crying babies, talking, and excessive movement during concerts can ruin students' performances.
Students are encouraged to attend their peers’ performances when they do not conflict with classes. Absences from class due to attendance at a Preparatory Division recital or concert will be marked as unexcused unless the student has received prior approval from the instructor.
The following policies are intended to enhance the experience of Preparatory Division concerts for the performers and audience and to promote a better understanding of the expected concert etiquette among the public. If you intend to invite people to any concerts, please apprise them of these policies.
No child under 5 years of age is allowed in any of the Juilliard School’s performance spaces. Families with young children over the age of 5 should find a seat towards the back of the house to facilitate a quick exit should the child become restless. These policies do not apply to siblings of MAP students who are enrolled in CLIMB.
During performances, patrons are only permitted to enter recital and concert halls during applause between pieces. Guests must silence all electronic devices in the concert halls.
Juilliard reserves the right to ask any audience member to leave the performance space should their behavior be deemed disruptive.
Concerto Competitions
The Pre-College holds a series of concerto competitions throughout the year. In order to enter a competition, a Pre-College student must:
- meet the eligibility requirements listed for each competition
- get approval from their major teacher
- be in good academic standing in the Division
Students who won a Pre-College concerto competition in the previous academic year may not enter the following year. Students who have previously won two Pre-College concerto competitions will not be eligible to compete again. Please note that all competition dates are tentative and subject to change.
Students do not sign up for competitions. Sign-up sheets are sent directly to the faculty approximately one month prior to the competition date.
MAP does not currently hold concerto competitions.
Recording Policies and Services
All recordings from The Juilliard School’s performance spaces are copyrighted and for personal use only. They cannot be reproduced or broadcast in any form, including on the internet or through any other electronic media, without the written permission of The Juilliard School and every person who performs on the recording. This includes recordings purchased from Juilliard’s recording department as well as personally recorded audio and video.
The unauthorized use, copying, or broadcasting of any media may subject the user to legal penalties including damages, attorney’s fees, and judicial sanctions.
Permission to record does not grant the right to post the recordings on YouTube, social media, or any other publicly viewed websites.
For further details on recording Preparatory Division performances, please visit MyJuilliard.
General Rules
The rules below apply to all members of the Preparatory Division community, including students, parents, guardians, faculty, fellows, and staff. Students who are found in violation of the rules below will be placed on Concern, Warning, or Probation.
- Smoking is not allowed ANYWHERE in the Juilliard or Rose Buildings.
- The roof is off-limits except for emergency purposes ONLY.
- Students are not permitted to chew gum during classes, lessons, or performances.
- Students are not permitted to eat or consume beverages (except water) during classes, lessons, or performances. All food and beverage containers brought into classrooms, studios, and performance spaces must be tightly sealed.
- Food and drinks are not permitted in the general lobby area in front of Paul Hall. Lunch should be consumed in the Morse Student Lounge, the Juilliard/SAB Café, or other spaces designated for this specific purpose by the Preparatory Division administration.
- Students are not permitted to bring personal items to Juilliard that are not directly related to their studies. Cell phones, tablets, audio players, and other electronic devices must be turned off and put away during classes and performances except when required for instruction.
- Under no circumstances should instruments be left unattended or left in any classrooms. If a Juilliard rental instrument is stolen, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be held immediately responsible for the full cost of replacement.
- Parents are not permitted to observe their child’s private lessons and classes unless given specific permission from the faculty and administration.
- Damages to Juilliard property caused by the student and/or their guest will become the responsibility of the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). An assessment will be made of any damages, and the cost billed to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student involved.
Code of Conduct
The Preparatory Division has certain rules of conduct that all faculty, students, parents/guardians, and staff are expected to observe. These rules are intended to remind people of the standards of civilized behavior that should hold in society at large, and which hold specifically at Juilliard. More broadly, these standards demand that each individual respect the dignity of others and support the welfare of the community as a whole. Here are the principal rules in the Preparatory Division Code of Conduct:
- Proper conduct and respect for yourself and your surroundings is required and expected at all times;
- Avoid verbal or physical conduct that denigrates others because of their race, gender, disability, religion or sexual orientation;
- Avoid any form of verbal or physical behavior designed to intimidate or otherwise harass another for sexual or other purposes;
- Behave honestly in school work and in dealings with School Officials and members of the faculty;
- Avoid actions that might cause injury to persons or damage to property;
- Respect Juilliard property and that of all members of the community and of campus visitors;
- Do not actively proselytize for religious or special interest groups at school;
- Do not engage in the sale, distribution, use or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia;
- Present proper identification of yourself and your guests upon entering the School and comply with the directives of Juilliard personnel;
- Observe all Juilliard School building policies while in the building.
These rules of conduct are to be strictly adhered to by students and parents/guardians for the duration of enrollment in the Preparatory Division. Violation of this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the Division. If any student or parent/guardian experiences problems or concerns with faculty, students, other parents/guardians, or Juilliard staff, please speak with a Preparatory Division administrator.
Teacher/Student/Parent Communication
Consistent communication between faculty, students, parents, and the Preparatory Division administration is key to ensuring students' progress in the program.
To ensure the safety of all Preparatory Division students, their families, faculty, teaching fellows, mentors, and administrators, the following guidelines should be followed regarding communication:
Phone Communication: Faculty are to call the parent or guardian, then ask to speak with the student. Under no circumstance are faculty to call a student directly on the student’s personal landline or cell phone. Faculty should make reasonable efforts to make phone calls to home numbers at times when the parent is expected to be at home so that the parent is present in the home while the student speaks with the faculty member. The office will not give out personal phone numbers for faculty. Parents may request phone numbers directly from faculty, and/or contact faculty members at their Juilliard email addresses.
Email Communication: All members of the Preparatory Division community are to use Juilliard email accounts (their own and the receiving party’s own) at all times when communicating with Preparatory Division students, parents, faculty, fellows, and the Preparatory Division administration. Once a student is enrolled at Juilliard, personal email addresses should not be used for any communication regarding Preparatory Division activities except in extenuating circumstances.
All communication via email between Preparatory Division faculty/fellows/mentors and students must be made with the knowledge of the student’s parent or guardian. Because Preparatory Division students’ Juilliard emails are family accounts, parents and students share access to the account. If a faculty member suspects that a student is using their Juilliard email without oversight from their parent or guardian, the faculty member is required to remind the parent/guardian via phone or in person of Juilliard’s email communication policy.
Preparatory Division Dress Code
The expectations and standards for the dress and appearance of Preparatory Division students are geared toward promoting a productive academic and social environment. Students should come to school appropriately dressed for an environment of teaching and learning. Attire should not be disruptive to the educational atmosphere of the classroom or distracting to other students. The administrative team reserves the right to ask students to change their clothing if it is considered inappropriate.
Guidance for students
- Shirts must be long enough as to not expose the midriff
- Undergarments may not be visible at any time
- Pants should be worn at the waistline
- Shorts should reach at least mid-thigh length
Skirts & Dresses
- Skirts and dresses should reach at least mid-thigh length
Head Coverings & Accessories
- Only hats/head coverings worn for medical or religious purposes will be allowed inside the classroom. No other head coverings (e.g. hats, caps, hoods, sunglasses) may be worn inside the classroom.
Performance Attire can be found here.